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Search results for "energy management"

Including 5 closely related terms such as manage, energy manager, and energy projects.

1 result

Cambridge City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy projects identified in the Council’s Carbon Management Plan for 2021-2026 to reduce carbon emissions from corporate buildings (including swimming pools, sheltered and temporary housing, administrative buildings, car parks, community centres, the Corn Exchange and the crematorium). Estates and Facilities, Corporate…

… buildings Action Service Resources Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Completion date Target 1.2 Bid for future central government funding and other green energy funding available for investments in energy efficiency and decarbonisation measures in the Council’s corporate buildings Various Council Services Corporate Energy Manager Identify and prepare…

… (predominantly Energy Performance Certificate D to G rated stock) from 2020/21 to 2021/22. Estates and Facilities Energy Assessor/ surveyor role and part of Corporate Energy Manager time August 2021 Phase 1 of works completed. March 2022 completion of project - March 2022 To reach a minimum of EPC C (B where possible) in at least 140 Council…

projects identified in the Council’s Carbon Management Plan for 2021-2026 to reduce carbon emissions from corporate buildings (including swimming pools, sheltered and temporary housing, administrative buildings, car parks, community centres, the Corn Exchange and the crematorium). Deliver energy efficiency and renewable energy projects identified in the Council’s Carbon Management Plan for 2021-2026…

… in the Council’s corporate buildings Various Council Services Various Council Services Corporate Energy Manager Corporate Energy Manager Identify and prepare information in preparation for future funding rounds - PSDS Funding Round 3 to Open Sept - Dec 2022 Identify and prepare information in preparation for future funding rounds - PSDS Funding Round 3 to Open Sept - Dec 2022 Apply for PSDS…


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