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Search results for "energy management"

Including 4 closely related terms such as energy action, sustainable energy, and sustainable energy action.

1 result

Aberdeen City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… scheme. But alongside work taking place to reduce emissions, there is a need to take action to prepare for inevitable changes in climate. This is called adaptation. Aberdeen Adapts will sit alongside Powering Aberdeen, the city’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan, to deliver a city-wide climate change programme. We need to adapt… The global climate is changing and this is expected…

… • Woodside Primary School • 2050 Climate Group Aligning with Powering Aberdeen Powering Aberdeen6 is Aberdeen’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan, aiming to improve energy efficiency and increase uptake of alternative technologies in the city. Reducing emissions, is essential to limit the impact of climate change. However, there will still be change. So, alongside work to reduce emissions…

… conditioning as temperatures increase. ► Powering Aberdeen the city Sustainable Energy Action Plan aims to encourage a transition to alternative energy. With themes for increased share of alternative technologies, energy efficiency, resource efficiency, low emission technologies and leadership and behaviour change. Investigating opportunities and risks from temperature and rainfall change…


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