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Search results for "energy management"

Including the closely related terms energy use, energy strategy, and energy use.

1 result

West Sussex County Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… and greener local economy - businesses across our County will be able to have the competitive advantage by leading the way to a new, greener, economic model, providing new secure skilled local jobs for residents. • Reduced bills - while increased energy efficiency has the potential to reduce overall energy used and save money, achieving carbon neutral can be more expensive than current business…

… local authorities achieve a wide range of other plans and ambitions. • Reduced financial costs - studies show that adaptation action is generally cheaper, and more effective over time, than the costs incurred responding to the impacts over time. For example, our street lighting project (which will deliver a 61% decrease on current energy use with the planned conversion of 64,000 street…

… the carbon associated with road-based transport 1. We will use technological solutions to avoid the need for travel 2. We will prioritise sustainable transport options 3. We will reduce the impact of any remaining road travel. c. We will increase the amount of renewable energy used and generated in West Sussex. We will adapt and be resilient to a changing climate a. We will be an adapted…

… the potential to be impacted by, and contribute to, a changing climate. Some have more opportunity than others to make a significant contribution to the changes we seek, or to incorporate the commitments into a revised version, and are included here for reference. (This is not an exhaustive list). • Health and Wellbeing Strategy • IT Strategy • People Strategy • Energy Strategy • Electric Vehicle…


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