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Search results for "energy management"

Including 6 closely related terms such as energy strategy, energy generation, and energy generation.

1 result

Wealden District Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… and will consider applications to subsequent rounds. - Energy Savings Trust (EST): We are working with the Local Authority Support Programme team (funded by Dft) at EST to identify car parks that may be eligible for OZEV EV chargepoint funding. We have also utilised this support programme to provide EV awareness sessions for Staff Economic Development, Waste Management and HR CAG. Document…

… in, conjunction with Centre for Sustainable Energy, as an interactive online event. Aim: to encourage councils to declare their own emergencies and help to lead communities. Outcome report and resource packs disseminated to delegates and CAG members. - A new (prominent) Climate Emergency ‘button’ has been created on the Council’s website homepage, linking directly to the climate emergency pages…

…-Dec-20 Ongoing liaison with Design team (via online meetings and email) to provide input into Hailsham Aspires project: - Input into development of the high-level energy strategy for outline planning permission. - Provision of high-level list of broad sustainability requirements for consideration - Specific discussions regarding heat network opportunity including type, governance…

… options for those properties not on the gas network. Note: WDC has already installed 187 air-source heat pumps in off-gas properties. Solutions for RLS are also being explored. This will be incorporated into the Estate Carbon Management plan (see R1). Economic Development, Waste Management and HR CAG. Document updated 11.01.21 Building integrated renewable energy generation

… measures that WDC can take to facilitate the uptake of ULEVs 30-Sep-20 - Participated in E. Sussex workshop (led by Energy Savings Trust). - Report previously submitted to SPACES programme and E. Sussex Chief Executive group. - WDC convened E. Sussex working group (pre-Covid). Group now restarted. T3 Review WDC fleet and replacement plans Conduct an audit of the Council’s…


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