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Search results for "energy management"

Including 7 closely related terms such as energy projects, energy project, and energy project.

1 result

South Hams District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… from fossil fuels and invest in renewable energy projects 1 N High High 2 years Explore forming a non-profit green energy company 1 N High High 5 years Identify areas suitable for renewable energy in the local plan. 2 N High Med 5 years Walking, Cycling and PT Proposal Level of influence Doing now? Annual Estimated Net potential Carbon Saving/Benefit Annual Estimated Net potential…

… the use of recycled and Sustainable construction materials 1 N Low Low Ongoing JLP policies to reduce the carbon footprint of new development DEV32, DEV33, DEV34 1 Y Med Med Ongoing Change how we invest developer contributions for carbon reduction, for example, invested directly into energy saving measures to help improve the efficients of our existing housing stock through EH networks 1 N Med…

…, submission and adoption is time consuming and a review may not be possible before 2021) Review internal processes to create a flow of investment from developer contributions to energy saving projects. It is unclear how much will be available as this depends on to what extent developers contribute onsite renewables as part of future development proposals – but a mechanism could be established…

… to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2034 (monitored against the 2005 baseline) 4 Y Med Med Ongoing The LPAs could look to invest more directly in community energy projects though community energy groups. In Plymouth this could be the Plymouth Energy Community, and in SHWD it could be the SWD Community Energy Partnership or similar. 4 N Med Med 2 years Change building regulations, reducing…

… and sustainable energy sources for owner occupied and tenanted properties 2 Y High Med Investigate installation of wind turbines in industrial estates 2 N High Med Greening the Economy Proposal Level of influence Doing now? Annual Estimated Net potential Carbon Saving/Benefit Annual Estimated Net potential Biodiversity Saving/Benefit Timescale to implement (incl. current contract lengths…


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