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Search results for "energy management"

Including 4 closely related terms such as energy use, energy generation, and energy generation.

1 result

Chelmsford City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… / organisation as one ‘that will set and pursue an ambitious 1.5C aligned science-bases target for its full value-chain emissions. Any remaining hard-to decarbonise emissions can be compensated using certified greenhouse gas removal’ b. Undertake an assessment of the carbon emissions arising from the Council’s activities, [i.e. an ‘organisational’ assessment] including energy use, emissions from…

… was certified from 100% renewable sources. Chelmsford energy switch promotions will continue c. Examine the business and environmental case for potential future investment opportunities in green technology and renewable energy initiatives, including solar farms TBC – further opportunities to be examined, although the optimum sites have already had been fitted with renewable energy generation


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