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Search results for "energy management"

Including the closely related terms energy use, and energy use.

1 result

Falkirk Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… efforts at cutting CO2 emissions through a stream of projects, has been overtaken by our continued increase in energy and resource consumption. 4.1 BUILDINGS Energy in buildings –since Falkirk Council started tracking its energy and carbon emissions eight years ago, the amount of energy used by buildings annually has grown steadily by around 3% each year. The total amount of CO2…

… in energy consumption, largely through the increase in size of our estate and in the intensity of energy use. In light of this, the targets set in this third CMP will relate purely to projects where the business case has been developed, corporately approved and funding allocated. At the time of writing, 18 projects5 have been developed with the following target savings identified…

… used CO2 emissions of 2005/06 as their starting point. This new baseline has been chosen for a number of reasons:  Falkirk Council’s estate has increased in size and has changed significantly  The quantity and quality of data available has increased markedly, with real time data now available for much of the estate and fleet energy use  Much of the old data cannot be replicated…

… that the Council does directly control, electricity and gas used in Council buildings account for 71%6, with half of all energy used in Children’s Services’ built estate. This pattern has remained largely consistent for the last 8 years. This provides a useful indication of where we might best focus our efforts. Analysis of CO2 by Building Type With energy use in buildings accounting for a high level…

… and as data available improves. PREVIOUS SCOPE - Previous plans have concentrated on energy from Falkirk Council buildings, staff travel, fleet and street lighting – generally considered items that it can directly control. They have included energy used both in the Council’s operational estate (where the bill is met by Falkirk Council) and also some non-operational where the bill…


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