Including 4 closely related terms such as energy use, energy generation, and energy generation.
…, and commit to the ambition of carbon neutrality by 2030 at the latest; Our emissions are a small proportion of our area’s CO2 emissions and that we achieve more for our environment working co-operatively than we do alone. Every year, our area spends significant amounts on energy. This money goes out of the local economy to the big energy companies when we believe that it could be retained…
… to provide the necessary powers and resources to make local action on climate change easier. 3. Encourage this Council to explore the expansion of community energy to keep the benefits of our local energy generation in our local economy. 4. Continue to work with partners anchored in the area to deliver carbon reductions and grow the local economy. 5. Establish a Citizens Assembly made up…
… This is not a comprehensive list but just some illustrative examples. The Action Plan will need to incorporate the outcomes of the Citizens Assembly and all actions will need to be costed and accountability and delivery arrangements will need to be identified. 5.17 The Council will need to review its own energy use in Council owned property and assets, supply chain, vehicles, housing materials and overall carbon…