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Search results for "energy management"

Including 12 closely related terms such as manage, management, and management system.

1 result

London Borough of Wandsworth

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…”) is currently being proposed that will require businesses and local authorities with emissions over a certain level to report on their carbon dioxide emissions and energy use in annual reports. Leaner Energy saving Energy efficiency Renewables Low emission Conventional Keener Greener Cleaner Meaner Switch off Eliminate waste Better appliances Lower energy losses Sustainable energy production…

… impact by reducing energy usage, moving away from carbon intense fuels and focus on generation from low to zero carbon sources. Reducing our utilities costs by implementing robust energy management system and reporting mechanisms and reduce the Council’s scope 1 and 2 emissions and start reporting on scope 3. We will deliver a refurbished Wandsworth Town Hall that stands as an exemplar…

… installation of energy savings measures in Council buildings 2025-2030: • Continue to review differential car parking charges based on emissions, ULEZ criteria, with high emission vehicles paying more Wandsworth Environment and Sustainability Strategy 2019 –203018 W an d sw o rt h - A n e nv ir o n m en ta lly f ri en d ly b o ro u g h Energy Management Global research has…

… Transport 13 Air Quality 16 Energy Management 18 Urban Greening and Open Spaces 21 Waste Management…

… and societies, is increasingly at the heart of environmental management strategies. • Fossil fuel dependence – Current energy usage depends on fossil fuels, which are non-renewable and cause significant greenhouse emissions, requiring a move away from their use and an increase in the renewable energy composition of our energy portfolio. The national shift towards renewable energy will enable us…


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