Including 6 closely related terms such as energy use, energy programmes, and energy programme.
… baselines. The 2008 CO2 baseline taken for the CRC was 41,306 tonnes per year. Against the same baseline, the figure for 2017-18 was 25,961 tonnes. This is a 36.7% reduction on 2008 and we are on target to achieve a 50% reduction by 2022. 33. Decreasing our energy use is the area where the biggest reductions in emissions can be quickly made. We are in partnership with London Energy Partnership (LEP…
… waste management and recycling Carbon footprints of existing private buildings Carbon in commercial buildings and business practices Consolidation of local deliveries Consumer choice. 54. There are also vital elements of legislation and infrastructure where we need to work together to achieve shared aims. Transport for London and public transport networks Cross borough energy programmes…
… better use of the space we have Meeting housing needs Carbon Offset Funds Making developers and polluters pay Encouraging green developments and innovation Investing in green infrastructure LED lighting on estates and in our buildings Saving carbon by reducing energy use Reducing maintenance and running costs Staff travel plans Reducing staff car use Managing staff parking…
… Supporting community energy initiatives London Energy Project (LEP) and procurement Reducing council and estate energy costs Smart metering (AMR roll our) and reducing consumption Moving towards 100% renewables Electric car charging points Supporting electric vehicles in the borough Developing a network of charging points Converting lighting columns to chargers Improving local air…