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Search results for "energy management"

Including 6 closely related terms such as energy use, energy programmes, and energy programme.

1 result

London Borough of Southwark

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… baselines. The 2008 CO2 baseline taken for the CRC was 41,306 tonnes per year. Against the same baseline, the figure for 2017-18 was 25,961 tonnes. This is a 36.7% reduction on 2008 and we are on target to achieve a 50% reduction by 2022. 33. Decreasing our energy use is the area where the biggest reductions in emissions can be quickly made. We are in partnership with London Energy Partnership (LEP…

… waste management and recycling  Carbon footprints of existing private buildings  Carbon in commercial buildings and business practices  Consolidation of local deliveries  Consumer choice. 54. There are also vital elements of legislation and infrastructure where we need to work together to achieve shared aims.  Transport for London and public transport networks  Cross borough energy programmes

… better use of the space we have  Meeting housing needs Carbon Offset Funds  Making developers and polluters pay  Encouraging green developments and innovation  Investing in green infrastructure LED lighting on estates and in our buildings  Saving carbon by reducing energy use  Reducing maintenance and running costs Staff travel plans  Reducing staff car use  Managing staff parking…

…  Supporting community energy initiatives London Energy Project (LEP) and procurement  Reducing council and estate energy costs  Smart metering (AMR roll our) and reducing consumption  Moving towards 100% renewables Electric car charging points  Supporting electric vehicles in the borough  Developing a network of charging points  Converting lighting columns to chargers  Improving local air…


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