Including 7 closely related terms such as energy use, energy strategy, and energy generation.
… and ways to reduce energy use, help with reading and understanding fuel bills and switching energy supplier, and referrals for free or discounted energy saving measures such as insulation. x3 This council has shown strong leadership on carbon reduction and environmental stewardship for over a decade. We first signed up to the Worcestershire Climate Change Pledge in 2005, agreed…
…% by 2030. These targets are in line with the national targets and the Worcestershire Energy Strategy. If the technology and funding is available to go further than that during this decade, then we will. All of us want to see the Wychavon district, our country and our planet get to carbon neutral status as quickly as possible. The plan focuses on the things we can directly influence…
… to the climate emergency. Summary Target 2: Halve district wide carbon emissions by 2030 Target 4: Treble renewable energy generation in the district by 2030 Target 3: Double the size of Wychavon’s low carbon economy by 2030 Target 5: Capture at least 500 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per year by 2025 The plan contains four priorities. These are energy, low carbon…
… towards our vision and targets: • Reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions. • District-wide carbon emissions (under scope of influence of local authorities). • Size of the low carbon economy. • Amount of renewable energy generation across the district. • Amount of carbon captured through council action. At the end of each financial year we will produce a short annual progress report…
… communities. To achieve this goal, the greatest net decrease in carbon emissions must happen in the next decade, and by 2050 emissions produced must be balanced out by carbon capture or offsetting, a position known as net-zero carbon or carbon neutral. In February 2019, the Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) published the Worcestershire Energy Strategy. The strategy includes…