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Search results for "energy management"

Including 8 closely related terms such as management, manage, and energy projects.

1 result

Newark and Sherwood District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… in the Council’s fleet Through interviews with NSDC officers and independent analysis, the Carbon Trust has developed a shortlist of priority projects that could be feasibly implemented in these areas. Implementation cost, energy savings and carbon savings from these projects have been calculated, although more detailed feasibility studies will be required before any project is taken forward. The following…

… all buildings in the short term • kWh savings: 59,000 kWh • Lifetime CO2 savings: 69 tCO2e Solar PV • Install solar PV arrays across all viable roof spaces • Solar will offset increased electrical loads form electric heating • kWh savings: 137,000 kWh • Lifetime CO2 savings: 187 tCO2e • Improvements to data monitoring. Implement a defined process for energy management and utility data collection…

… Policy 10 in relation to the District’s commitment to tackling climate change. In line with the LDF review timescales, ensure policies that drive the highest possible climate mitigation and resilience for development across the District. D2N2 Energy Strategy 2019 – 2030 Sets a 2030 vision for the D2N2 LEP to be a national pioneer in clean growth and test-bed for work class energy systems…

… innovation. The Council could work with the D2N2 LEP to identify local businesses that could drive clean growth and pilot local energy projects that would be well suited to the Newark and Sherwood District. The Climate Emergency links to a range of other policies, strategies and initiatives that the Council has already implemented. Some key links, and recommendations on how the strategies can…


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