Including 6 closely related terms such as energy use, energy generation, and efficient energy.
… a view that an issue as important as this should be ‘protected’ from party politics and, by implication, that decisions about addressing the climate and ecological crisis should seek to be cross-party. • In relation to the Renewables theme, there was support for increasing solar energy generation, to be promoted through subsidisation, easy installation and help for people to understand how…
… and rewards Energy-rating adjusted council tax Promote awareness of efficient energy schemes people can join 4.2. Exploring recommendations by themes The themes were constructed to help make potential actions easier for Assembly members to navigate. They were developed by the facilitation team, not Assembly members themselves, and above all are a ‘sorting tool’. That said, looking…
…. This could go hand in hand with a roll-out of smart meters to help make residents more energy use- aware and to generate useful data on usage patterns. Another suggestion was that landlords be required to meet certain insulation standards in any homes that they let. Introducing reduced council tax rates for more energy efficient homes was seen as one way to incentivise and reward improvements…