Including 5 closely related terms such as energy use, energy projects, and energy project.
… and power plants (CHP). Renewable energy projects can generate lasting cost and carbon savings, and protect against future energy price rises. They can also deliver broader social objectives such as ensuring security of supply and addressing fuel poverty. In the next 15 years, the energy demand of the country is expected to be the same or marginally decrease15. In order to meet future energy…
… needs and our net-zero emissions commitment before 2045, a significant amount of alternative sources will need to be deployed within Three Rivers District. Objectives: • Regularly monitor and review Council and District energy-related emissions to inform decision-making in achieving the net-zero targets. • Assess options for decentralised renewable energy generation within council…
… operations and the wider district, working either independently or in partnership. • Share learnings from the Council and across industry with stakeholders and residents in the District to inspire and support others to start their own decentralised energy projects, or switch to a green energy provider. • Utilise financial support measures wherever possible to install low-carbon energy…
… as soon as possible. 17 Efficiency of Existing Buildings Domestic energy use accounts for 27% of carbon dioxide emissions in Three Rivers. Over two-thirds of properties in Three Rivers are energy inefficient, with an EPC rating below a C. Three Rivers District Council has secured Green Homes Grant funding to lift over 100 homes out of fuel poverty in 2021, and reduce energy-related…