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Search results for "energy management"

Including 8 closely related terms such as manage, management, and management system.

1 result

Elmbridge Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…] Lead Organisation Emissions 4 Energy Management System Implementation and Certification Implement a procedural EMS across our oper- ational buildings and get it certified. This will in- clude management and technological interven- tions to develop robust energy management procedures to minimise and manage energy usage, and to promote responsible usage to align with objectives under…

… to systematically and proactively improve our energy perfor- mance across operational buildings. 22/23 n/a 0 Officer time n/a n/a CMB 3 Energy Management System Assessment Conduct research in preparation to the imple- mentation of a procedural Energy Management System (EMS) for our operational sites that sets out energy and cost saving potentials and identifies milestones (e.g. energy

… to (daylight) sensors and linking controls for lighting to the BMS as it cur- rently only controls our heating and cooling systems. 23/24 34 50,000 Next condition survey 11,055 4.5 AMPS 1 ISO 50001 is an international standard recognising organisation that enhance their energy performance by implementing an energy management system (EMS) based on a model of continual improvement. This includes…

…. Legislation is also used to ensure that privately rented properties meet the current energy efficiency standards, contributing to the reduction of fuel poverty and energy use. Continue our communications to tenants, home- owners, (social) landlords etc. including how to save energy or encourage them to take up smart meters to measure energy usage.28 ongoing n/a 0 Officer time n/a n/a Housing…

… carbon emissions sig- nificantly. At the same time cost savings are achieved. 22/23 84 to 168 0 Officer time 29,000 to 58,000 n/a CMB 2 Energy Management Responsibility Agree on the overall responsibility and scope of energy management at the Council. Appoint formal responsibility and establish points of contact for energy management (e.g. Head of AMPS) and data collection…


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