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Search results for "energy management"

Including the closely related terms energy generation, energy generation, and energy installations.

1 result

Argyll and Bute Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… with a specialist consultant, has assessed the bulk of its estate (over 1,100 land/property assets) as part of phase 1 of the Renewables Sourcing Strategy (RSS1). The assessment reviewed the available renewable technologies and screened the Council’s land/property asset information to identify and rank (using key benefits criteria) the most appropriate renewable energy installations. All of the most…

… the Renewable Energy Action Plan. ABRA have supported the development of community renewables through Community Renewables Opportunity Portal webpages and the development of the Council’s wind turbine, Miss Hoolie. When constructing Miss Hoolie, the contractor engaged actively with local school pupils to discuss renewable energy generation. ABRA work with on-shore wind developers to ensure…

… (GW). There are many more small-scale renewable and low energy installations which have utilised permitted development rights and so are not included in these figures. There are 16 operational commercial windfarms (8 on Kintyre Peninsula) with a combined Capacity of 269 MW. A number of our communities have developed and own their own wind turbines, solar panels, hydropower turbines…


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