Including 4 closely related terms such as energy provision, energy generation, and energy generation.
… steps to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and reduce our contribution to this global crisis. This document sets out how far we have come since then, showcasing the innovative and pioneering work carried out in 2015 around smart energy generation and celebrating the widespread achievements to date. Our journey to reducing our carbon emissions was further strengthened in April 2019, when…
… (e.g. petrol, diesel or electric). These decisions are reflected within the ten objectives set out within this Climate Change Action Plan as we move further away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy provision across the islands. By 2026, the Council aims to reduce its direct carbon emissions (scope 1 and scope 2) by 75% against the 2019 baseline, a significant step towards…
…, in this case focusing on buildings. It will look at what the buildings are used for, what insulation measures can be retrofitted, where the buildings energy comes from and how it is heated/cooled. 14 The Council has been working to make the move away from fossil fuels through a series of significant work programmes towards decarbonisation. Decarbonisation is the reduction in the amount…
… have delivered an increase in renewable energy generation capacity by 194kw (97% of the target) across the islands and reduced carbon emissions by 221,418kg over three years. The program has contributed to change in behaviour and attitude towards renewable energy production on the islands and will continue to monitor and collate successes from local businesses and to seek further funding…
… opportunities that support improved energy efficiency measures and activities as and when they arise. Case Study: Churchtown Farm, St Martins. Church Town Farm on St Martins accessed the BEES funding to install has a 24kW solar array in February 2021,. As a result of their project, they have generated 20.7MWh energy, saving £3315 in fuel bills with a 5300 kg CO2 emission saving. Image: Church Town Farm…