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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 5 closely related terms such as energy use, energy saving, and energy use.

1 result

London Borough of Croydon

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… against the potential harmful effects of climate change by managing energy use and reducing green house gas emissions. Croydon has made a commitment to climate change mitigation in order to reduce the potential impact of climate change, taking advantage of the new low carbon economy and making a contribution to UK wide carbon reduction targets. This is set out in our Climate Change Mitigation Action…

… Action Plan 12 5 Governance 5.1. Where we are now: the Environment and Climate Change Partnership (ECCP) The ECCP is one of the themed partnerships within the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP). The ECCP is comprised of environmental stakeholders including Transport for London, the Energy Saving Trust, local businesses, schools and representatives from…

… is the Council’s Local Development Framework. The Core Strategy is the key document in the LDF that will set out the spatial vision for Croydon for the next 20 years or so and how it can be achieved. A further Regulation 25 consultation draft has been published that included the vision theme of Croydon as ‘A Place with a Sustainable Future’ and thematic strategies relating to ‘Climate Change, Energy, CO2…

… housing, transport and waste sector, as well as district energy, carbon reduction in local schools and businesses and climate change adaptation. Croydon Climate Change Mitigation Action Plan 13 5 Governance 5.1.1. The structure of the Environment and Climate Change Partnership Full Environment and Climate Change…

… by the Chief Executive of Croydon Council, includes Exec Director Planning, Regeneration and Conservation, Director of Streetscene and Waste Management, Director of Needs and Renewal, Director of Economy and Sustainability, Head of Environment and Sustainability. Strategy Groups (meets every 6 weeks) South London Strategic District Energy Waste Partnership Transport Board Programme Board…


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