Including 10 closely related terms such as efficiency improvements, energy use, and efficiency.
… of the borough’s carbon emissions come from domestic energy use, meaning that supporting residents to take action to reduce energy use and move away from fossil fuels to heat and power their home is a key area to tackle. Funding from central government for Green Homes Grant has enabled work to place improving those properties that have poor energy efficiency and household incomes of under £30k. Phase 1b…
… London Energy Advice Partnership to respond to demand for energy efficiency advice, support and outreach. This will enable 300 extra home visits including minor energy efficiency improvements, plus energy advice via outreach and telephone. Additional funding has been provided to Thinking Works who run Wandsworth’s Winter Warmth service to improve capacity and expand the interventions that they can…
… with the contract. A new more sustainable stationery contract including more energy and resource efficient printers and more sustainable purchase options has been rolled out this year, options to use bike couriers for delivery have been introduced and work has progressed to introduce a salary sacrifice scheme for fully electric vehicles. 16. The Joint Pensions Committee has set a target of being net zero…
… accurate baseline data on the condition of housing stock and identify potential opportunities for energy efficiency improvements. Officers are working with a specialist energy company, Vital Energi, to agree an approach to developing a strategy across the Council’s communal systems, utilising Heat Networks funding to carry out feasibility studies, with consideration of how to best maintain…
… these systems to improve efficiency and where possible look at options for decarbonising heating systems. Two new Energy Management Officer posts have been put into the team and recruitment to one of these posts completed September 2022, providing additional capacity to support this work. 40. Support to Council tenants to improve their energy efficiency and better manage their energy has been…