Including 12 closely related terms such as efficiency measures, energy use, and energy efficiency.
… including Scope 3 and reduce these Q4 2023 CCO/SO/ ICT Working with Project Manager of Carbon Eco- nomics and Data at SCC on report- ing process 3. Carry out energy audits on main Council operations buildings and assets to identify and reduce energy use Utilise the energy audits carried out on Council buildings to in- form future projects to increase energy efficiency measures across…
… Efficiency Standards Allow assessment of sites and determine if any insulation work is required to reduce energy use 2026 Assets/ Facilities Corporate Priority Envi- ronment Plan and Recovery Plan 9. Produce as much energy locally through renewable resources All opportunities for renewables in Spelthorne explored and developed where feasible including solar and geothermal 2028 Initially…
… in Spelthorne, making homes more energy efficient and decrease carbon emissions from heating Ongoing CCT LAD3/ Sustainable Warmth/ ECO4 Flex Health and Wellbeing Strategy, Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (5) Ongoing work with Action Surrey and Happy Energy 48. Enforce minimum energy efficiency standards for the private rented sector Improving the energy efficiency of housing…
…) for possible consultant work if required 6. Deliver lighting upgrades and improvements to heating, ventilation and air conditioning, all remaining lighting in Council buildings to be replaced with LEDs where appropriate Reduce energy use in Council buildings, could also reduce the Council’s energy expenditure Ongoing SO/ Facilities Loft insulation recently upgrad- ed in KG 7. Meter water…
… enterprises (SMEs) for energy efficiency measures Allow SMEs funding to access energy efficiency measures which may have otherwise not have been possible to reduce emissions On going CCT/ED LoCASE Greener Futures Delivery Plan action point (10) Some consultant work being carried out by APSE 42. Conduct research with local businesses to better understand motivations and barriers…