Including 11 closely related terms such as energy performance, energy use, and minimum energy efficiency.
… programme will be developed to target and improve council homes with low energy performance ratings. Strategic Housing Asset Lead 2022 Ongoing 1.13 Enforce Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards under the Energy Efficiency (Private Rented Property) Regulations to ensure that private rental residents are in properties which have an Energy Performance Certificate of E and above Group Manager Regulatory…
… and Buildings aim is to design, deliver and encourage energy efficient properties across the borough. There are multiple ways that we can start to tackle this – from planning and development of new properties through to improving the efficiency of current buildings, sharing information, and raising awareness. A critical aspect of this will be working together with the wider community to achieve our ambitions…
… focus on: ● Service offer and infrastructure ● Ensuring sustainable development for future homes and buildings ● Retrofit and improving energy efficiency in current properties ● Supporting our community Group Ref Action Owner Startdate End/ review date Service offer and infrastructure 1.1 Explore options to invest and enable the growth of the renewable energy sectorin Kingston Assistant Director…
… broader engagement with planning applicants to ensure Sustainable Drainage Systems are being incorporated, where feasible, within proposed developments, and that surface water runoff is being restricted to a rate as close to the greenfield runoff rate as possible. Head of Development Management 2022 2030 Retrofit and improving energy efficiency 1.12 Council Housing Improvement Programme - a works…
… Services 2022 March 2025 Supporting our community 1.14 The council will run the Warm Homes Better Health programme annually. [This scheme offers advice and practical help to our older residents, those with certain health conditions and those on lower incomes around steps to reduce energy use and therefore energy bills] Corporate Head of Healthcare and Insight In progress April 2023 1.15 Work…