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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 4 closely related terms such as efficiency, energy efficiency, and energy efficiency.

1 result

Eastleigh Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… developed by April 2020. 7 Energy Additional Renewables Review of previous Solar PV (Photovoltaic) businesses cases, including the potential for installing large scale schemes. Increased local renewables will reduce demand for Fossil fuel power. Business cases currently under review, completion by March 2020. 8 Energy Asset Management Develop plan for improving energy efficiency

… in “Green Clauses” (such as requiring energy efficiency improvements) into the Councils rental leases. Improve environmental performance of buildings throughout whole life cycle of buildings by working collaboratively with occupiers/businesses New Clauses to begin introduction by April 2020. 24 Ecology Establish ecological baseline In partnership with key bodies, establish…

… 2020 11 Offsetting CarbonFREE Investigate the use of a Carbon Trust accredited scheme to immediately offset the Councils emissions. Then develop a plan to locally offset the Council’s operational and outsourced emissions, including from energy consumption and Council development projects Ensure that Council responds to its emissions whilst work is carried out to reduce the impact…

… and sustainability for operational buildings. Improve environmental performance throughout whole life cycle of operational buildings Report by end April 2020. 3 | Climate Change and Environmental Emergency Interim Action Plan | Greener Bor- ough No Theme Activity Action Impact Timescale 9 Energy Green Energy Supply All Council purchases of electricity will be “Green” renewable energy

…. Utilising purchasing power to shift the UK power supply to renewable energy, reducing GHG emissions nationally. 100% Green Electricity by April 2020. 10 Energy Green Gas Supply Investigate the potential for the Council to move to a Green gas supplier. Utilising purchasing power to shift the UK power supply to renewable energy, reducing GHG emissions nationally. Investigation by April…


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