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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 7 closely related terms such as resource efficiency, efficiency, and energy efficiency.

1 result

West Berkshire Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… from Local Area Energy Plan (CN008) Existing activities and growth in the district is supported by sustainable/ green energy options Short term Long term WBC Env Delivery In progress, on track Medium/High 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030:Implementation of Council and district wide energy efficiency schemes REG003 Investigate the potential…

… for district heat networks Suitable areas identified to inform options for delivery projects Short term Medium term WBC Env Delivery In progress, on track Necessary pre-delivery work 5.1 Carbon neutral by 2030:Implementation of Council and district wide energy efficiency schemes REG004 Develop the next Local Transport Plan…

consumption profiles, thermal efficiency, levels of insulation, heating system condition and efficiency etc. Audits of Council buildings have been conducted and potential improvements have been identified Short term Medium term WBC Env Delivery/WBC Property Team In progress, on track High 6.1.2 Buildings: Review of our own services…

… and support functions in relation to use of buildings and reducing carbon. 6.1.2 Buildings: All Council new build or refurbishment projects will take into consideration their carbon impacts 6.1.2 Buildings: Explore ways to make retrofitting insulation and energy efficient heating systems more economically viable CN008 Liaising with key stakeholders, undertake to complete a Local Area…

… term Ongoing WBC Env Delivery/WBC Facilities Management/ Veolia In progress, on track Low/Medium 5.1: Carbon neutral by 2030: Waste reduction activities 6.1.4 Waste: Look at how we can tackle plastic waste locally 6.1.4 Waste: Work with local businesses to improve resource efficiency in the commercial sector REG012 Explore ways to emphasise…


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