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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 13 closely related terms such as efficiency improvements, efficiency measures, and efficiency.

1 result

London Borough of Bromley

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… provides interest-free government funding to the public sector to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower energy bills. Interest-free loans, from £5k to over £10m, can be used on a wide range of small to large invest-to-save energy efficiency projects, and paid back through the predicted savings on energy usage. 6.5 Salix Decarbonisation Fund: An interest-free loan that works…

… management contractor. Work streams dependent on outcomes of Capital Works Programme. Roll out an Automated Meter Reading (AMR) meter installation programme 2021 - 2026 Strategic Property Assessment to begin 2021. Initiative 2: Buildings (energy efficiency) Identify and install energy efficiency measures and smart technology across Bromley Council’s estate tbc (dependent on opportunities identified…

… 3.1 The Executive established a Carbon Management Programme (CMP) in 2008 to take action to reduce energy consumption, revenue costs and carbon emissions. 3.2 Since 2008/09, LBB’s Carbon Management Team has quantified the Council’s emissions each year, following the guiding principles of the internationally recognised World Resources Institute’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Corporate…

… This section provides an overview of our adopted approach to take the Council forward in meeting its net zero emissions target. 3.17 The main vehicle for transitioning to a net zero council will be through CMP3 but will involve the Carbon Management Team working closely with other service departments/teams within the Council to make significant energy efficiency improvements across different service…

… initiatives (potentially delivering a 95% reduction in emissions), then offset all remaining residual emissions through a mix of suitable initiatives outlined in table 2: Table 2 Reduce LBB’s Direct Organisational Emissions 1 Street Lighting LED Upgrade Upgrade remaining 14,000 street lights to LED (including dimming capability and photocells). 2 Buildings: energy efficiency Work closely…


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