Including 8 closely related terms such as high energy efficiency, efficiency, and energy efficiency.
… Conservation Priorities IMPROVE ENERGY PERFORMANCE OF EXISTING HOUSING INCREASE PROPORTION OF ENERGY FROM RENEWABLE SOURCES REDUCE ENERGY USE & IMPROVE ENERGY EFFICIENT INFRASTRUCTURE C L I M A T E C H A N G E S T R A T E G Y 1 5 Built Environment Priorities Reducing the carbon impact of our homes and ensuring that future communities are sustainable will be a major…
… powers to require higher energy efficient standards and design standards in new builds and extensions, where we are allowed to do so through national policy. It will be important to engage and influence Government on the introduction of powers and regulations to drive high energy efficiency, water efficiency and climate resilience standards for existing buildings, supporting improvements…
… HARVESTING TECHNOLOGIES REDUCE ENERGY USE IN EXISTING HOUSING BY RETROFITTING ENERGY EFFICIENCY MEASURES REDUCE THE CARBON IMPACT AND IMPROVE BIODIVERSITY OF NEW DEVELOPMENTS Currently 47% of the District’s carbon emissions are transport related. The number of vehicles on the roads needs to reduce, with more people using public transport, walking and cycling instead of using…
…. To support our District to conserve energy, the Council must build on existing engagement programmes to actively support households, landlords and businesses in identifying and implementing practical ways to reduce energy used and find carbon neutral or reduced carbon alternatives for energy that is consumed. As alternative energy and energy efficient products move into the mainstream…
…, domestic and commercial carbon emissions have reduced in the District due to changes in vehicle fuel efficiency, domestic insulation, heating and lighting, energy efficiency improvements to industrial processes and the introduction of renewable energy. The make-up of our Carbon emissions gives us an understanding of where attention needs to be focussed to make the biggest impact. District…