Including 8 closely related terms such as energy use, energy efficiency, and efficiency.
… targets included in the current Act. Alongside the reduction of carbon emissions, there are also key targets related to other sectors. Scotland’s Energy Strategy (2017) 8 aims to generate over 50% of Scotland’s energy consumption from renewable sources by 2030 and increase the productivity of energy use across Scotland by 30%. Alongside the efficient and sustainable production of energy…
…:// 10 Urban Foresight Progress to date To date Angus has achieved significant reductions in carbon emissions from its estate through reduced energy usage, improvements to the council housing stock, replacing street lighting with LEDs and introducing electric vehicles into the council fleet…
… climate threats alongside potentially vulnerable sectors in Angus. Using this information, the SECAP sets out a series of concrete, deliverable actions with clear timelines and responsibilities. The actions are arranged according to 6 key sectors including Buildings; Energy; Transport; Land Use & Forestry; Agriculture & Food and Waste, as well as Governance and Process actions. Equally…
…, there is also the need to improve the energy efficiency of the building stock by improving insulation and reducing heat demand. The Fuel Poverty Act (Scotland) 2019 9 sets ambitious targets to tackle fuel poverty with no more than 5% of Scottish households in fuel poverty, and no more than 1% of households being in extreme fuel poverty, by 2040. In the mobility sector, the National Transport…
… functions and its relationship with the natural world. This challenge is recognised by the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government 2020/21, which sets out ambitions for a green recovery from the pandemic13. Low carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive, a green recovery is key to creating a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive economy. The Programme for Government highlights…