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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 12 closely related terms such as energy use, efficiency, and energy efficiency.

1 result

Maldon District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… gases the UK can emit during the period 2033-2037. The Government is increasingly focusing policy on public health improvement by tackling the range of factors that can contribute to ill-health. The potential risks posed by climate change are driving policy makers to consider, and reduce environmental impacts, with a strong focus on reducing unhealthy emissions and improving energy efficiency

… that are economically viable, environmentally sound and protect public health. 4. Be a Council that leads by example We will: ⁻ Reduce energy use in the Council estate; ⁻ Procure services from companies who demonstrate sustainability and support net zero carbon; ⁻ Require deliveries to come by electric vehicles and machinery; ⁻ Implement a staff travel plan; ⁻ Continue…

… and to help engage with our communities. Using data and insights we can set out to understand how much energy we use, our carbon footprint, air quality readings, traffic density, car ownership, fuel and energy consumption, flooding risks, and a gather a range of known behaviours and outputs that help provide a clear picture about the challenges we face, what our perceptions of climate change…

… to spend monies. Listed below are a few funding options to be explored further to understand how the Council can attract funding and develop a long- term funding plan. - Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Magnox; - Welcome Back Fund; - Energy Saving Trust; - LoCASE – The Low Carbon Across the South East programme; - Rural Community Energy Fund; - Community Energy England; - Green Homes…

…, there are a number of important climate and energy programmes and initiatives underway to help achieve a collective approach. Essex County Council’s Climate Action Commission is already underway and makes a clear statement that ‘Climate action simply cannot wait – it is the responsibility of every organisation and resident in Essex to do our part to help ensure the County has a bright and green future…


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