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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 5 closely related terms such as energy performance, energy use, and energy performance.

1 result

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… Independent Commission on Climate, providing advice on what is needed to deliver change locally. In March, we provided an overview of sources and levels of emissions in the CPCA and risks from climate change. We looked in greater depth at emissions attached to transport, buildings, energy, and peat. These are all areas of particular concern locally: transport because our emissions are well above…

… tra�c, for example on the A14, A1(M) and M11, but this is not enough to explain the relatively high level of trans- port emissions overall: 11 Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate Executive Summary emissions from buildings are not particularly high relative to the UK, but remain a high share of total emissions. Energy use in our homes accounts for almost…

… with denser provision of services. - - - the quality of the building stock, measured by Energy Performance Certi�cate rating of energy e�ciency, is slightly better than across the UK. Nevertheless, most residential buildings are rated “D” or below, indicating substantial potential for improvement; most buildings are heated through the use of fossil fuels. The number of installations of low-carbon…

… voted to act on the recommendations of the CPICC March report, covering transport, buildings, energy and peat, as well as the overarching recommendations. This has included the setting up of a Climate Working Group, chaired by the Mayor (the Climate Cabinet recommended by the Commission), to take action forward and ensure an e�ective local response. Work has begun on the development of an Action…

…�ciency of our homes and buildings, aside from reducing energy bills, can make our homes more comfortable, reducing risks of heat and cold related illness and deaths; 17 Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Independent Commission on Climate Executive Summary Making sure our homes are prepared for increased risks of extreme weather and impacts of �ooding will help keep our communities safe…


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