Including 8 closely related terms such as efficiency savings, energy efficiency, and efficiency.
…-haringey 7 businesses, the community and other stakeholders. Our work has included undertaking pilot studies and projects, encouraging active travel across the borough, implementing various improvements to the Council’s estate through LED light fittings and other energy efficiency savings, installing 2,200 solar panels which generate 565,000 kWh of electricity per year, and supporting community…
… groups in reducing their emissions through community energy installations, home visits and giving energy efficiency advice. Three significant projects that have delivered this level of carbon reduction are highlighted below: Æ Haringey’s Smart Homes project was delivered between 2013 and 2015 for private homeowners. It was led by Haringey in cooperation with other north London boroughs under…
… aim to have these plans in place by the end of 2021. Each of these buildings will be reviewed in terms of: Æ consuming less carbon in carrying out the operation itself, distinct from the building; Æ improving the energy efficiency standards of the building – double glazing, wall insulation etc. 13 Æ improving current heating and hot water…
… the Smart Homes scheme, with ECO funding and £6.5m funding from the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Grants of up to £6,000 were made available to private homeowners following a Green Homes assessment (with residents contributing at least 25% of the cost). With a value of £1.4m, a range of energy efficiency works were undertaken including internal and external insulation, boiler…
…. As a publicly funded organisation, we will do this in an efficient, cost effective, and responsible way. In doing this we will deliver the borough’s carbon reduction ambition, improve local air quality, and demonstrate strong financial management by reducing the Council’s future energy spend. Historic performance Haringey Council has made significant efforts to reduce emissions from our estate…