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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 7 closely related terms such as energy use, energy efficiency, and efficiency.

1 result

Leicester City Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… heating and lighting, and solar panels, and by building new A-rated, low-carbon council housing. Also helping people facing fuel poverty through support with insulation and new, more energy-efficient heating – creating ‘green jobs’ installing these measures in the process. Travel and transport - delivering an ambitious series of programmes investing in infrastructure, services and promotion…

… street lighting across the city with low energy LEDs, reducing electricity consumption by 58 per cent and annual carbon emissions by 8,450 tonnes while saving over £1.7 million in energy bills each year. • COUNCIL BUILDINGS. We’ve reduced energy use in our buildings, led by our flagship redevelopment of City Hall in 2014. The building is connected to district heating and had 90 solar PV…

…. The strategy identifies aims and objectives for achieving the vision, with an initial focus on areas where the council can have the most impact. The accompanying Climate Emergency Action Plan reflects these areas, with ambitious programmes set out across six themes. These programmes include: At home – reducing carbon emissions and energy bills for council tenants by fitting insulation, energy-saving

… developments are designed to deal with rainfall runoff sustainably. The council – creating a ‘roadmap’ for the council to become carbon neutral, with programmes to decarbonise our buildings and vehicle fleet. For schools, delivering a programme of investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy in the school buildings we are responsible for and offering support to all city schools through our…

…. In Leicester we believe that our city needs to become carbon neutral, and to adapt to protect its citizens and the natural world as the climate changes. This is our vision for the city: At home2 • Highly insulated housing with low-carbon heating systems. All homes affordable to heat. • Efficient heating, lighting, appliances and fittings, plus smart controls – saving energy and water…


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