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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 13 closely related terms such as energy use, efficiency, and energy efficiency.

1 result

Ashford Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

Efficiency Standards and take enforcement action where necessary Actively contribute to Kent Energy Efficiency Partnership to address fuel poverty Promote energy efficiency schemes available to homeowners and private landlords 3.6 Priority 6 - Reduce the environmental footprint of buildings through retrofitting existing buildings and new build developments Across the UK only 5% of the energy used

… allocated / spent 2) Number of properties with improved EPC rating 3) Number of PRS properties improved from F and G to band E or above 4) Number of Accredited private rented properties 5) Number of households in fuel poverty Continue energy efficiency grants under the Landlord Accreditation scheme Identify properties in PRS below band E requiring improvement under the Minimum Energy

… to heat our homes today is from low carbon sources (Ofgem decarbonisation action plan Feb 2020). There are many different types of buildings across the borough, however the approach should be to first reduce energy consumption as much as possible through the fabric and design of the building and the behaviour of its occupants. The remaining energy requirement can then be fulfilled from a renewable…

… in overall water usage. Resilience to future water shortages improves 1. Per capita water use Encourage less water usage through behavioural change initiatives 21 22 23 What we’ve been doing: From the late 1980’s there has been an ongoing programme to improve the thermal efficiency of dwellings through insulation upgrades, more energy efficient windows and doors and heating systems…

…. This means benefiting from the health and wellbeing advantages associated with: warmer, more energy efficient homes; better air quality inside and outside; increased access to public green space; and a high quality natural environment thriving with wildlife. 3. Communities are well connected both digitally, and through an effective network of footpaths, cycle ways and public transport. This means active…


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