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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 15 closely related terms such as higher energy efficiency, energy performance, and energy use.

1 result

Blackpool Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…) Communications Officer; Strategy and Climate Manager; Council finances Reduced energy demand for domestic activities 7. Undertake pilot work to quantify cost of delivering housing refurbishment to higher energy efficiency standard Both Director of Development, MyBlackpoolHome November 2021 Strategy and Climate Manager; Funded by Council and MyBlackpoolHome Consideration of costs by company board…

… and Council 8. Explore resources needed to enforce EPC ratings via landlord licensing scheme Town Director of Community & Environmental Services February 2022 Private Housing Manager; Enforcement Manager; Strategy and Climate Manager Report considering provision of additional resources 9. Campaign to raise Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard for private landlords to band C Town Director…

…’s has significantly reduced our emissions, and new government policy is set to continue this trend. Locally, we have a strong public transport system, with low levels of car ownership, and overall energy consumption is lower than in areas with large-scale manufacturing businesses. This means that the share of emissions coming from domestic energy use in Blackpool is above the Lancashire…

… will update the actions included in the plan as the government rolls out further funding and policies, and as other local evidence and information becomes available. Blackpool’s Climate Emergency Action Plan 9 Housing Improving the efficiency of domestic properties in Blackpool, and reducing their emissions, is a major challenge. 78% of Energy Performance Certificates issued in Blackpool grade…

… and incentives for households to change if we are to reach our targets. Some of our most important actions include: • Build 30 new Council houses and retrofit 120 more with enhanced insulation and air-source heat pumps, plus deliver and learn from “eco coach” training on energy saving techniques • Build new council housing to the highest efficiency and pollution standards (EPC standard A or B…


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