Including 12 closely related terms such as efficiency improvements, energy performance, and energy use.
… infrastructure to meet the future challenges. The development of the SiemensGamesa wind turbine factory has shown that our residents have the qualities to meet fully the challenges of a new industry that is key to the City and the UK decarbonising. Local businesses and the Council have demonstrated that they are able to reduce energy use and innovate in manufacturing and services to increase resource…
… different as we walk and cycle more and use public transport as we create the infrastructure to make this the easiest and first choice. The public transport (buses and trains), cars, freight trains, lorries, boats and ships will be powered by electricity and hydrogen. Our homes and offices will be more energy efficient and we will use electricity and/or hydrogen to heat and cook…
…. The most effective way to decarbonise heat is through large scale energy efficiency improvements to all homes across the city so that they all meet an EPC13 C rating or higher and an equivalent DEC14 rating for non-domestic premises. The Council, businesses and other organisations have been undertaking this work for a long time and delivering significant improvements in people’s lives…
… as a result and the 2030 carbon neutral target now requires that the pace and scale of this work needs to increase significantly. 13 Energy Performance Certificate 14 Display Energy Certificate 28-V14-FINAL The required increase in property energy efficiency requires significant additional investment and support from Government to enable…
… and extensive expansion in energy efficiency and developing low carbon and low cost heating solutions. As a port city Hull has a set of unique factors that shape us beyond the maritime connectivity. These result from the movement of freight into and out of the port by road, rail and ship and the impact this has on the infrastructure of the city…