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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 6 closely related terms such as energy efficiency, efficiency, and reduce energy.

1 result

City of Edinburgh Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…-minute neighbourhoods across Edinburgh is one of the single most fundamental changes we can make to ensure we meet our net zero commitment. This means finding ways to make sure citizens can access the services and amenities they need in their neighbourhood, by walking, wheeling, or using public transport. 4.4.3 Energy efficiency: Improving the energy efficiency of buildings in Edinburgh…

… currently emit. Creating 20-minute neighbourhoods: We will make it easier for citizens to access the services and amenities they need locally. Energy efficiency: We will improve the energy efficiency of the city’s buildings, adopting fabric first approaches to new developments and seeking to reduce energy demand and emissions. Electrification first: We will ensure the network’s…

… and Growth 2.5.3 Net Zero Heat and Energy and Energy Efficient Buildings 2.5.4 Net Zero Emissions Transport 2.5.5 Business and Skills in a Net Zero Economy 2.5.6 Investing in Change 2.6 The strategy also makes a number of asks of Scottish Government, focused on those areas where the Council or the city does not have the powers, resources or levers to enable net zero action at the pace…

…, and ensuring our natural and built environment support people’s wellbeing. 4.5.3 Net Zero Energy Generation and Energy Efficient Buildings: working to decarbonise heat and energy infrastructure that serves energy efficient buildings and homes and that contributes to economic and social benefits for the city. 4.5.4 Net Zero emission transport: ensuring people, goods, and services move…

… are well-insulated, energy efficient and heated and powered by low-cost, renewable energy. • More people work from home or in local hubs more of the time. • The city has a network of safe and attractive active travel routes, and an integrated world-class sustainable public transport system, which is affordable for everyone. • Most citizens find they no longer need a car…


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