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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 8 closely related terms such as efficiency, energy efficiency, and energy consumption.

1 result

West Dunbartonshire Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… of Green Champion roles amongst staff – to help normalise Climate Change and Sustainability practices across the Council. Energy & Water & Assets The Council will continue to take action to reduce energy consumption and improve energy and water efciency in our buildings and across our operations. We will also take into account the rationalisation and improved utilisation of our ofces…

…, with a global sea level increase of between 0.56-1.12 metres by 2100; and = Weather extremes will become increasingly the norm. 1961 - 1990 2009-2018 0.9°C increase in temperature 13°C wetter summers 12°C wetter winters UN/IPCC Policy EU Policy National Policy Climate Change Act 2009 Energy Strategy - Scotland’s Energy Efficiency Programme (SEEP) demonstrate how its own…

… Framework 2014 (revised in 2018) RPP3 (2018 - 2032) Climate (Duties of Public Bodies: Reporting Requirements) Energy Efficiency Directive (2016) Climate Change Act 2019 National Planning Framework Policy 4 (2018) EU Adaptation Strategy Scotland’s Energy Strategy Energy Efficiency Scotland Route Map Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2018) National Transport Strategy…

… organisational resilience against climate changes, the physical and fnancial consequences of more frequent extreme weather events as they become increasingly common, as well as limiting the effects of gradual changes in our climate. Financial savings can also be achieved through addressing climate change. For example, the work carried out to reduce energy consumption across much of the estate has…

consumption and improve energy efciency in our social housing and fuel poor households, ensuring fuel poverty and the decarbonisation of housing are key to achieving a net zero carbon future. This will require the implementation of high standard energy efciency improvements to all existing domestic Council stock and future developments, whilst minimising overheating risks and ensuring future…


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