Including 10 closely related terms such as efficient energy, efficiency, and energy efficiency.
… climate change locally: Progressing the development of two solar farms in Torbay Tor Bay Harbour Authority has installed solar PV panels, procured an electric forklift truck and installed LED lighting Delivered energy efficiency advice to homes in fuel poverty through Exeter Community Energy Delivered a range of walking and cycling infrastructure projects through the Local…
…:// 4 Installed efficient energy saving LED street lights, together with a comprehensive overhaul of traffic signal inventories, has led to significant energy and carbon savings. However, climate change is having a major impact…
…. We will continue to offer the Eco Flexible Eligibility Scheme and working with Exeter Community Energy we will deliver energy saving advice to homes in fuel poverty. We will also establish an advice portal to help residents across Torbay to make energy efficient changes to their homes. Torbay Council have secured £1.8 million of funding from the Government’s Public Sector…
… of the new Melville Street Project we will deliver targeted and practical energy efficiency advice to residents in this area. (KEY: *** - Significant potential for saving carbon/area-wide carbon benefits, ** - Potential carbon savings across some areas of Torbay, * - Potential carbon savings in very localised areas of Torbay) 7 Other Priority Actions In addition…
… Background Since 2008 Torbay Council has been taking action to tackle climate change, including a range of actions to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions the Council and the Torbay area emit. Such actions are as outlined in a range of strategies including Torbay's Energy and Climate Change Strategy (2014-2019), Local Plan (2012-2030) and Local Transport Plan (2011-2026). The Energy…