Including 8 closely related terms such as efficiency improvements, energy use, and energy efficiency.
… on on-street or public parking. Application for additional Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) funding, would cover 75% of the cost of an additional 20-25 charging points. N Shropshire Council Buildings – Energy Efficiency Improvements (Sustainable Energy in Public Buildings) Property Services Group The Climate Change Task Force and Property Services Group are working to extend…
… the current programme of ERDF-funded improvements to building efficiency through SePuBu: sustainability/sepubu-sustainable-energy-in-public-buildings/ Y Shropshire Council Buildings – Energy Efficiency Improvements (Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund) Climate Change Task Force Shropshire Council and APSE Energy have submitted a bid to the BEIS…
… schemes for staff and wider community Human Resources Initial estimate for carbon emissions due to staff commute is 2853 tCO2e per year N Complete an assessment of the energy efficiency of staff homes using EPC data and ideally energy use data obtained from staff surveys Human Resources Work is underway linking staff addresses to national Energy Performance Certificate data Y…
… Growth The Business Energy Efficiency Programme (BEEP) is working across the Marches area. It's led by Worcestershire Council and utilises existing ERDF programme funds. Y POWER UP Current projects that increase generation of renewable energy Assess the feasibility of installing 2MWp of solar PV on the former tip in Maesbury Industrial Estate Climate Change Task Force Potential…
… Economic Growth Estimates of carbon savings could be determined using staff distances to work. These calculations are being worked on. Y Seek energy bills from staff for the last 12 months to help assess the Council's Scope 3 emissions. Climate Change Task Force Consider linking to the mandatory training on sustainability. N Seek funding to retrofit energy efficiency measures into all…