Including 11 closely related terms such as energy use, minimum energy efficiency, and efficiency.
… who comply with the target. Further requirements, in addition to those identified, are not considered to be practical given the limited ability to directly influence any immediate change in the financial markets b. The Councils direct property investment strategy will take account of the Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards legislation as a minimum requirement The Councils property…
… … providing attractive, high quality green spaces and public spaces that are clean, safe and easily accessible for all … managing in a sustainable way to help reduce energy consumption and waste and help preserve natural resources ‘Our Plan’ includes a specific action to develop a new environmental plan promoting a sustainable approach to growth and development, everyday living and a low carbon…
… of any waste that is generated is reused, recycled or composted v. Implementing measures to lower energy consumption, ensure the most efficient use of water resources, reduce pollution and improve air quality vi. Undertaking a greening programme to significantly increase the amount of woodland and the proportion of tree cover in Chelmsford vii. Implementing measures to improve the ‘green…
… recycling for new food vendors − Installation of a water bottle refill point − Investigate bulk buying paper shopping bags for re-sale to traders 5) Implementing measures to lower energy consumption, ensure the most efficient use of water resources, reduce pollution and improve air quality Joint Coordinator: Richard Bishop Joint Coordinator: Paul Brookes Target to achieve…
… / organisation as one ‘that will set and pursue an ambitious 1.5C aligned science-bases target for its full value-chain emissions. Any remaining hard-to decarbonise emissions can be compensated using certified greenhouse gas removal’ b. Undertake an assessment of the carbon emissions arising from the Council’s activities, [i.e. an ‘organisational’ assessment] including energy use, emissions from…