Including 5 closely related terms such as energy efficiency, efficiency, and efficiency schemes.
… levels including addressing fuel poverty and retrofitting existing homes. Innovative work is underway within the social housing sector and energy efficiency schemes are being delivered through the GM Low Carbon Hub. Housing was the focus of the 18 November Zero Carbon Coordination Group where Robin Lawler Chief Executive of Northwards was invited to discuss national housing policy…
… continuing with GMCA at a strategic level through the Leader and Chief Executive and at an operational level. The Executive Member for the Environment, Planning and Transport asked TfGM to produce a report on decarbonisation of transport to the Greater Manchester Transport Committee. A report titled ‘Update on increased efficiency & deployment of low energy transport, low carbon…
…. It is envisaged that this may give the city opportunities in the green technology and services sector. A progressive and equitable city: making a positive contribution by unlocking the potential of our communities Transitioning to a zero carbon city can help to tackle fuel poverty by reducing energy bills. Health outcomes will also be improved through the promotion of more sustainable modes…
…% of the city’s total CO2 emissions, the Council clearly has an important leadership role to play in relation to CO2 reduction. Some of the measures the Council has already implemented include: ● Delivering a street lighting replacement programme to replace all 57,000 street lights with energy efficient LEDs. This will save the Council 8,400 tonnes of CO2 and £2 million per annum. ● The first phase…
… the Council’s operational estate including costs and quantifying the impact. The approach takes a ‘reduce, produce, connect’ approach to energy efficiency and energy generation. This work is also linked to a review of the waste and recycling fleet to potentially shift half of the vehicle fleet to fully electric. This will require additional EV charging infrastructure. ● Over 8,000 trees have…