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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 7 closely related terms such as use energy, energy use, and energy saving.

1 result

Maidstone Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… panels on Lockmeadow Hall, our depot, the newer part of the museum and the crematorium. • Reducing energy use by installing heat pumps in the newer part of museum and LED lighting in many of our buildings and some car parks. • Reducing the mileage of our street cleansing vehicles by route optimisation. • Providing charging points for electric vehicles in six of our short stay car parks. We…

… Maidstone Borough Council Biodiversity Strategy Contents Page Foreword Introduction Climate Change Biodiversity Themes and Aims Transport Buildings Generating Renewable Energy Reducing Waste and Energy Used in Processing Adapting to Climate Change Enhancing…

… organisations including the Carbon Trust and the Energy Saving Trust to ensure our interventions are efective and we use up to date best practice. We will bid for external funding for works to address climate change and biodiversity to ensure the best possible outcomes for the Borough. 10 http:practice.We http:change.We The Committee…

… Theme 2 - Buildings Our aim for buildings: To support the change from heating and cooling buildings using fossil fuels to low carbon technology and reducing energy needs by increasing energy efciency. Changes in building regulations over the past four decades have resulted in newer homes being more energy efcient than older homes. People living in more efcient homes generally have lower fuel…

… up to £10K. Energy is used by water companies to clean and supply drinking water and we use energy when we heat water. Changes to rainfall patterns suggest we will have less summer rainfall and should use water wisely. We will work with partners to promote water efciency so reducing water use and reducing water poverty. We will: Support partners to explore the potential for Combined Heat…


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