Including 9 closely related terms such as additional energy efficiency, efficiency measures, and additional energy.
… the council’s collective switching initiative to minimise residents’ fuel costs. n Target fuel poor/vulnerable households with energy efficiency measures. n Work with landlords to encourage energy efficiency measures in properties. n Facilitate access to financial assistance to home owners to carry out home energy efficiency measures to their properties. n Review the council…
… and funding. n Identify external funding opportunities. n Ensure the council’s energy is from sustainable sources. n Ensure council’s investments are placed in environmental and socially responsible investments. n Consider ways of incentivising businesses and homeowners to adopt energy efficiency measures. 3 Estate and Operations Through our buildings, vehicles…
… Review the council’s travel policy and incentivise reduction in energy. n Install EV charging points at car parks and support others in the provision of charging points. n Utilise our land to draw down carbon. n Review existing buildings and estate for additional energy efficiency measures. n Review the council’s fleet to ensure impacts are minimised. n Minimise the use…
… house investment priorities to include enhanced energy efficiency measures in the council stock. n Encourage food business to move to plastic free. n Review taxi licence opportunities to encourage use of EV taxis. n Monitor and review air quality across the borough. n Use Environmental Protection and Clean Air Act powers to ensure residents activities are compliant. n…