Including 11 closely related terms such as energy use, energy efficiency, and efficiency.
… (C) 5.4 STREET LIGHTING Continue the use of LED street lighting and other lower energy equivalents (C) Replace street lamps and control gear with more energy efficient equipment (C) 5.5 WASTE Further extend roll out of household food waste collection (C&B) Correspondingly reduce the frequency of household residual bin collection (B) Support and encourage…
… (see page 13 for context). 5. RECOMMENDATIONS The following recommendations, if implemented, could combine to substantially decrease carbon emissions and associated cost at little or no additional cost: Optimise use of the built estate – operations should be focused on more energy efficient properties, with poorer performing ones mothballed or closed. Decisions on built…
… in energy consumption, largely through the increase in size of our estate and in the intensity of energy use. In light of this, the targets set in this third CMP will relate purely to projects where the business case has been developed, corporately approved and funding allocated. At the time of writing, 18 projects5 have been developed with the following target savings identified…
…-2015 The table above summarises changes to Falkirk Council’s CO2 emissions since the last CMP started in 2011/12. Carbon data is complex and is constantly evolving, making it difficult to interpret at a glance. The table demonstrates how a prolonged winter, such as that of 2012/13, can effectively negate any savings made through carbon and energy efficiency projects. In short, our best…
… efforts at cutting CO2 emissions through a stream of projects, has been overtaken by our continued increase in energy and resource consumption. 4.1 BUILDINGS Energy in buildings –since Falkirk Council started tracking its energy and carbon emissions eight years ago, the amount of energy used by buildings annually has grown steadily by around 3% each year. The total amount of CO2…