Including 7 closely related terms such as efficiency measures, energy use, and efficiency.
…. The changes required nationally are largely reflected in the local picture and fall into a number of broad categories: a. National grid decarbonisation b. Demand reduction (energy efficiency measures & behaviour change) c. Switch to electric heating d. Switch to zero emission transport e. Carbon offsetting through renewable energy generation f. Carbon offsetting through sequestration 9. Figures 3…
… of the Council’s emissions (82%) are from energy used within the retirement living housing stock, and in particular gas consumption. Figure 2: Council scope 1 and 2 emissions by source and fuel type (2018-19) Routes to Net-Zero 8. In order to achieve a net-zero carbon target by 2050 (for both the District and the Council), substantial changes will be required at a national level and across all sectors…
… the Council’s initial phase of delivery toward net-zero CO2 emissions and which define its leadership role in promoting community- wide action; e. Build on work to identify opportunities for low carbon and renewable energy sources and storage, and the acceleration of electric vehicles take-up within the District; f. Work with, influence and inspire partners across the county and region (including ESCC…
…’ report is attached at Appendix B. Analysis 3. The carbon emissions baselines presented in Appendix B are reported in two separate ways. The first is District-wide emissions and the second is the Council’s own emissions. District emissions are based on 2017 figures (the most recent year available) provided by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). They cover all main…
…), as Scope 1 (direct emissions from the combustion of gas, oil, petrol, wood etc.), Scope 2 (indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity) and Scope 3 (other indirect emissions that are occur in an organisation’s value chain). For the Council, Scope 1 and 2 emissions are those from sources controlled by the Council and for which the Council pays the energy/fuel bill. Scope 3…