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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 21 closely related terms such as efficiency improvements, energy performance, and use energy.

1 result

London Borough of Tower Hamlets

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… roof areas. The targeted installed capacity should be at least 4.2MW. Renewable power Ensure that electricity supply to all the Council’s assets is on a 100% renewable tariff or Power Purchase Agreement Buildings Start retrofitting existing buildings owned and operated by the Council (e.g. Council’s offices) Retrofit heat pumps, use energy management to reduce energy use, improve building energy

… kg C O 2 e/ m 2 /y ea r 80% reduction 80% reduction Diagram showing the cost involved and the energy savings possible (© Investment Property Forum, 2017. Costing Energy Efficiency Improvements in Existing Buildings, Currie & Brown) Energy

… its Future Energy Scenarios. Its analysis aligns with the Committee on Climate Change. It concludes that strong policy actions [to wholly decarbonise electricity supply and improve energy efficiency of new and existing homes] must be taken and there is no room for delay. World Health Organisation The World Health Organisation published “COP24 special report: health and climate change…

… for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has set the Buildings Energy Mission, with the objective of halving the energy use of new buildings by 2030. Tower Hamlets declaration of climate emergency In March 2019, Tower Hamlets became one of the first councils in the country to declare a climate emergency. One of the associated commitments is for Tower Hamlets to aim to become a zero…

…. There is a large gap between the reduction likely due to the current rate of change and trajectory, and what is required to achieve Net Zero. Photo of housing stock, Canary wharf, server room? 1. MHCLG, Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government; EPCs, Energy Performance Certificate database gives building attributes such as floor area and a modelled energy consumption; DECs, Display Energy


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