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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 6 closely related terms such as use energy, efficiency, and energy efficiency.

1 result

Norfolk County Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… our buildings, streetlights and vehicle fleet. Significant progress has already been made, with our estate emissions having reduced by just over half since 2016/17 from 21,049 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) to 10,434 tCO2e in 2021/22. We have worked hard to make our buildings smarter in how they use energy and converted two-thirds of our streetlights to energy efficient LED…

… Climate mitigation Climate mitigation includes actions to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases which drive climate change. Climate mitigation is needed to ultimately limit the scale of impacts that Norfolk and the rest of the world will experience. In practice, climate mitigation can include generating energy from renewable sources rather than coal or gas; improving the energy efficiency

… collaboratively, looking at all aspects of our community and how we can adapt to mitigate the risks. This includes promoting sustainable land use practices, encouraging the use of renewable energy, developing sustainable transport solutions, and protecting vulnerable people and communities. As a coastal county, Norfolk is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, and this strategy…

… acknowledges this. Equally, we have huge assets, from green energy to green tourism. We recognise the 03 importance of working with the private sector, other local authorities and regional partners to address shared challenges and opportunities and ensure a coordinated response to climate change. I am confident that this strategy provides a roadmap for building a more sustainable and resilient…

… it as appropriate for local authorities to set sectoral carbon budgets for their areas2. We aim to take a pragmatic approach to supporting carbon reduction county-wide by prioritising the areas where we have the greatest opportunity to make positive change. This focus area covers the following thematic areas: • Transport • Building and planning • Commercial and industrial sector • Energy • Digital…


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