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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 13 closely related terms such as efficiency measures, energy use, and efficiency.

1 result

Belfast City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… and for both public and commercial buildings (including better insulation, improved heating, more efficient appliances, some small scale renewables) • Transport (including more walking and cycling, enhanced public transport, electric and more fuel efficient vehicles) • Industry (including better lighting, improved process efficiencies and a wide range of other energy efficiency measures). We…

… decarbonisation of electricity in line with government commitments and a continuation of background trends in a) economic and population growth, and b) energy use and energy efficiency. Specific numbers for the key variables taken into account in the forecasts are presented in the technical annex published separately. As with all forecasts, the level of uncertainty attached increases as the time period…

…). By projecting demand and energy prices into future with reasonable baseline assumptions over population, inflationary measures and efficiency gains across the economy, we find that Belfast’s business-as-usual (BAU) energy expenditure will likely grow to just over £332 million per year in 2030 and c.£466 million per year in 2050, with transport expenditure growing slightly (53%) in Belfast’s total (see…

… of options that are already available, but that some of these options would not pay for themselves directly through the energy savings that they would generate. Many of these options would, however, create wider indirect benefits both economically and socially in the city. • This means that although it can achieve significant reductions in emissions by focusing on established cost-effective…

… targets for carbon reduction, we then calculate the annual percentage reductions from the current level that are required to enable an area to stay within its overall carbon budget. (d). Identifying and Evaluating Carbon Reduction Opportunities Our analysis then includes assessment of the potential contribution of approximately 130 energy saving or low carbon measures for: • Households…


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