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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 15 closely related terms such as efficiency measures, energy use, and energy efficiency.

1 result

Elmbridge Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Working and Communica- tions Continue to support partners such as Action Sur- rey to distribute impartial information and advice on energy efficiency measures to residents, e.g. identify qualifying households to access energy efficiency funding and promote the benefits to residents and the environment of installing en- ergy saving measures and changing behaviour to reduce energy use

…. Legislation is also used to ensure that privately rented properties meet the current energy efficiency standards, contributing to the reduction of fuel poverty and energy use. Continue our communications to tenants, home- owners, (social) landlords etc. including how to save energy or encourage them to take up smart meters to measure energy usage.28 ongoing n/a 0 Officer time n/a n/a Housing…

… [£/year] Est. sim- ple pay- back [years] Lead Organisation Emissions pro- gramme 5 7 LED lighting – Civic Centre6 Upgrade existing fittings at the Civic Centre in accordance with the review of the accommoda- tion strategy. Consider the installation of day- light and occupational sensor to reduce energy consumption additionally. LED lights save en- ergy and improve workplace…

… 14 n/a AMPS 13 Heat and Hot Water Review – Community Cen- tres Review heating and hot water schedules at the Community Centre’s so they run as efficiently as possible, e.g. align schedules to only run systems when spaces are utilised. Energy and carbon emission reduction from this action are immediate. 22/23 - Com- plete 5 0 Officer time 1,088 n/a AMPS 14 Loft…

… savings of up to 17% are es- timated. 22/23 – 25/26 15 17 20,000 Subject to capital bid 16/ External funding* 3,482 5.7 AMPS 16 LED lighting – Community Cen- tres Upgrade existing fittings at the Community Centres (e.g. in the communal areas). Con- sider the installation of daylight and occupa- tional sensor to reduce energy consumption additionally. LED lights save energy and im…


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