Including 9 closely related terms such as energy performance, energy use, and minimum energy efficiency.
… Energy Strategy A3. Contracts and procurement 3.1. Leisure operator contractual obligations. - Build energy targets into the new leisure provider contract and monthly energy use monitoring (supporting time controls, use of pool blankets etc.) Waste and Contracts S Low Potential expense for implementation of monitoring Improving business and industry efficiency 3.2. Build…
… in driving clean growth and housing 8 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Estimated Potential CO2e Saving Estimated Financial Cost Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy 4.3. Introduce all HIMOs to have conditions on licence for minimum energy efficiency standards (eg EPC rating E or better) Environmental Health S Low impact…
… on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff time only Improving the energy efficiency of our homes 4.4. Enforcement of minimum energy efficiency standards in the private rented sector (PRS) Environmental Health S / M / L Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Enforcement costs Improving the energy efficiency…
… packaging and bags etc Economic growth S Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff Time only Enhancing the benefits and value of our natural resources 4.11. Ensure at least minimum energy efficiency standards are achieved in new funded social housing [Investigate non gas grid solutions] Strategic Housing S Low impact on council emissions…
… Financial Cost Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy A1. Property Assets 1.1. Introduce detailed energy use monitoring of property portfolio (including provision of Energy Performance Certificates) Property Services S Medium - Can provide up to 5 - 20% saving (Carbon Trust) Staff time only £ Leading in the public sector. 2 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref…