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Search results for "energy efficiency"

Including 9 closely related terms such as energy performance, energy use, and minimum energy efficiency.

1 result

Rushcliffe Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

Energy Strategy A3. Contracts and procurement 3.1. Leisure operator contractual obligations. - Build energy targets into the new leisure provider contract and monthly energy use monitoring (supporting time controls, use of pool blankets etc.) Waste and Contracts S Low Potential expense for implementation of monitoring  Improving business and industry efficiency 3.2. Build…

… in driving clean growth and housing 8 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Estimated Potential CO2e Saving Estimated Financial Cost Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy 4.3. Introduce all HIMOs to have conditions on licence for minimum energy efficiency standards (eg EPC rating E or better) Environmental Health S Low impact…

… on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff time only  Improving the energy efficiency of our homes 4.4. Enforcement of minimum energy efficiency standards in the private rented sector (PRS) Environmental Health S / M / L Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Enforcement costs  Improving the energy efficiency

… packaging and bags etc Economic growth S Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff Time only  Enhancing the benefits and value of our natural resources 4.11. Ensure at least minimum energy efficiency standards are achieved in new funded social housing [Investigate non gas grid solutions] Strategic Housing S Low impact on council emissions…

… Financial Cost Co- benefits Link to D2N2 Energy Strategy A1. Property Assets 1.1. Introduce detailed energy use monitoring of property portfolio (including provision of Energy Performance Certificates) Property Services S Medium - Can provide up to 5 - 20% saving (Carbon Trust) Staff time only £ Leading in the public sector. 2 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref…


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