Including 9 closely related terms such as energy efficiency, efficiency, and more energy.
… to our carbon reduction ambition. Priorities: • Adopt a fabric first approach to our buildings by insulating and installing new technologies to provide a good foundation for future mitigations as they become more affordable. • Reduce energy and water usage, minimising waste through our operations, using renewable energy and energy efficient technology and practices to gain improved…
…, there is the opportunity for a range of economic and social benefits for our organisation and our communities. Schemes we are already implementing, such as fitting external wall insulation to our housing stock or rebuilding our properties that cannot be effectively improved, will ensure homes are more energy efficient and so contribute to reductions in the wider sense. Other activities we undertake…
… efficiency, reduced operating costs and reduced environmental impact. • Seek grant funding through LCSF and PSDS to facilitate upgrades on our commercial premises. Challenges: The cost of major renovations means that these are largely reliant on the availability of grant funding. Embedding energy saving thinking in the organisation requires buy-in from staff and a consistent message is required…
… portfolio and selling others. Priorities: • Adopt a fabric first approach to our council owned homes to achieve significant carbon reduction and cost savings in the wider area. • Invest in external wall insulation and heating to improve the energy efficiency of Council and privately owned non-traditional housing stock supported through LAD/HUG grant funding schemes. • Home Assistance Co…
…-ordinator visits to residents to assist them in reducing their carbon footprint and reducing their energy bills. • Work with our tenants to help them reduce their energy and water usage and carbon footprint. Challenges: The cost of renovation schemes means that these are partially reliant on the availability of grant funding. Embedding energy saving thinking in the occupant requires buy…