Including 9 closely related terms such as energy use, energy efficiency, and efficiency.
… areas for action Energy efficiency improvement of the majority of existing buildings (domestic and non-domestic) and zero-carbon new builds Transport: a major shift to mass transport, walking and cycling to reduce transport emissions A rapid and large-scale increase in local renewable energy generation As identified in the Council report (October 2019), further research is needed…
…’ Energy Sparks project, which is now being rolled out nationally with government support. We set up a ground-breaking ‘dynamic purchasing scheme’ to enable local food producers to access public sector catering. This is now being rolled out by national government. We continue to provide home energy efficiency advice and some grant funding through our Energy at Home advice line…
… Our first phase of research completed in October 2019 incorporated a district carbon foot-printing exercise, indicating that the main sources of greenhouse-gas emissions across the district are energy use in buildings (66%), and transport (29%), and modelled a pathway to 2030 to cut emissions from these segments. This enabled a clear definition of three immediate priorities for action. Priority…
… action taken in the past We have taken climate action in the past and continue to build on these efforts: We were the first local authority to roll out LED street-lighting to our main roads. We have been upgrading street lighting to energy saving LEDs since 2010. This delivers an annual energy saving (kWh) of 64%. We constructed the Keynsham Civic Centre — an award-winning, exemplar low…
… carbon office building — in 2016. It had the largest solar PV array in any new public sector building at the time and it is one of the lowest energy consuming public buildings in the UK. We supported the development of three community energy companies: Bath & West Community Energy; Keynsham Community Energy and Chelwood Community Energy. We enabled the creation of the award-winning schools…